Saturday, February 23, 2013

Something in There

Still kind of crazy to think that there is a baby in here!  Going to be a well-traveled little one, having already gone to San Antonio and Sarasota.

Love you, little one!



Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Waiting Game

Well baby, I called today to make our first OBGYN appointment.  It turns out that when you just "get pregnant" with no troubles, you don't go into the doctor until 8 week.  8 weeks?!?!  How I am supposed to wait until March?!?  :)

So excited (and impatient) to see you next month!

All my love,


Sunday, February 17, 2013


So after a few noted emotional highs and lows on my part lately, I decided that it was time to investigate a hunch.  And lo and behold...

Oh dear Baby, your Daddy and I are both so excited and shocked!  You see, Baby, your big brother (Little Buddy) took quite a bit longer to come about than you did.  I can assure you that I wasn't expecting to see a positive test right off the bat!

Although we know you will mean a lot of changes (we had gotten so used to sleeping regularly), we are so ready to have you join us.  I was never good about keeping a journal of my experiences being pregnant with your brother, so I will endeavor to improve the habit for you (especially since so many tell me that the second child's albums will suffer for lack of time...but I will work on it, I promise!).  So here is the first entry of our journey together.  I am sure it will be sporadic at first, but as time progresses, I will try to include as much detail as possible.

Right now, I am feeling fine.  Perhaps a little tired and (if you'll pardon me), a bit gassy.  Please work on that for your dear old mom.  We shared the news with Aunt Diane and Aunt Kelly, but plan on telling your Mamaw, Papaw, Mimi, and Pop-Pop in person when they come visit next month.  They will be so excited about you!

Know that even though you are just the tiniest spark of life, you are already so loved.

All my love,
